Introducing our new circular recycling program
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
For us, sustainability means more than just printing on recycled paper—yes, it’s about the materials we use, but it’s also about the choices we make at every point of your supply chain. For example, choosing to work with organic extracts which cause less harm to the soil, and printing jars with non-toxic ceramic ink to avoid exposing workers on our production line to harmful byproducts.
When it comes to packaging, our mantra is reduce, reuse, recycle. This year, on World Recycling Day, we’re excited to announce the launch of our own in-house recycling program. Our packaging is made from 95% infinitely recyclable glass, with the other 3% (the paper and card) easily recyclable through household recycling programs. The remaining 2% is made up of either lids, pumps or pipettes. These are a bit trickier to handle since they tend to contain mixed materials like plastic, glass and metals (in the form of springs for a pump to function) but our new recycling program allows us to recycle or reuse them.
Subscribe to PREBIOTIC + PROBIOTIC, DEBLOAT+ or SKIN FILTER, and after receiving your first month’s supply in a jar, you’ll receive a Refill Pouch for every subsequent monthly delivery. You can also choose a Refill Pouch for one-time purchases of these supplements. Our Refill Pouches are grade two recyclable, made with 28% post-consumer recycled content, which means that they can easily be recycled through household waste streams. Our Refill Pouches weigh 75% less than our glass jars which reduce the carbon footprint associated with monthly shipping. Look out for more Refill Pouches coming soon.
Once you subscribe to the above supplements, you can reuse your existing jar for your daily capsules. We’d recommend sterilizing it for maximum hygiene—just make sure it’s totally dry and cool before you add your new capsules. To sterilize your jars and lids, take them apart, wash them in hot soapy water and then place them on a baking tray, open side up. Pop them in the oven for 15 minutes on 225°F, remove and allow to cool. For any extra jars, our pharmaceutical brown glass makes for great ambient tealight holders!
> Strip materials down to a single source as much as you can by separating lids, jars and boxes.
> Ensure that glass is clean before going into recycling. Anything still lined with product can contaminate a whole bag of recycling.
> Use our in-house recycling program to send back 3 clean, empty jars or bottles with lids with your pre-paid shipping label:

> Alternatively, check out your local recycling guidelines.