The Conscious Gift Guide
We're doing things a little differently this holiday season.
In the lead up to the holiday season, we've given a lot of thought as to how to avoid the excessive waste that all too often comes part + parcel with it. Last year, five billion pounds of unreturned gifts ended up in landfill and Black Friday came with some pretty alarming statistics of its own too.
With that in mind, we're excited to kickoff a different kind of holiday initiative, called Conscious Gifting. It's centered around giving gifts that give back—to ourselves, to our loved ones + to those who need it most. Throughout the duration of the next month we'll be rolling out various parts of the campaign, but today marks the first chapter, and to help get it moving, we've decided to donate 50% of all sales from now until Monday to Coalition for the Homeless, a local charity based near our flagship store in NYC.
The next part involves you, so here's how it works: Think about the people you love and what might help them feel their best in the coming year. Does your best friend struggle with anxiety, for example? Or is a family member self-conscious about their skin? Now apply the same method to yourself. Think about what's standing between you and your goals, health-related or otherwise.
To help you get started, we've come up with the below to inspire some ideas.
Goal: Chill out
Gift: Functional Fragrance
Goal: Try new things
Gift: Travel Kit
Goal: Run a marathon
Gift: Active Set
Goal: Dream big
Gift: Sleep Kit
Goal: Self-care
Gift: Topical - C + Skin Food + Prebiotic
Goal: Love thy belly
Gift: Prebiotic + Probiotic
Goal: Take the leap
Gift: Power Up
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