Why am I always bloated?
Persistent bloating can be a pain—literally. We look at some of the reasons your digestion's out of balance, from FODMAPs and IBS to skipping meals and chewing gum.
Bloating can feel like a breakout. It comes on suddenly, without warning, and you feel like everyone notices. Your stomach seems like it’s doubled in size, and more than anything you want it to go away so you can feel comfortable again. The good news is that, like breakouts, there are ways to reduce bloating both immediately and long-term by understanding what causes it.
Skipping meals
Just like acne, one of the main causes of bloating is diet. But it’s not just caused by overeating, which does attribute to bloating; in fact, skipping meals can even be a factor.
If you’re constantly missing breakfast or lunch, your body searches for something to digest. When it is unable to find what it’s looking for, creates gas, which leads to bloating. And worse: if you’re skipping one meal in order to eat a larger one later in the day, your stomach can get overwhelmed, creating additional bloat.
One major cause is food that contains FODMAPS, which stands for “fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols.” You can see why it’s abbreviated.
FODMAPS are short-chain carbohydrates (as opposed to “complex carbohydrates) that resist being digested and are then fermented in our colon by gut bacteria. While some individuals have no problems digesting foods that contain FODMAPS, others (especially those with IBS) find that another type of gas is formed during the FODMAPS’ digestion process, leading to symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, cramping and even diarrhea. They are generally found in food that contains lactose, fructose, fructans, galactans, and polyols.
Beans, lentils, dairy + gluten
Foods high in fiber, like beans and lentils, can often cause gas and bloating, especially for people who aren’t used to eating fiber regularly. You may also want to try temporarily cutting out dairy or gluten, as both are common sensitivities that can contribute to bloating.
Salt is essential for our bodies to function as it helps with the transmission of nerve impulses, maintaining fluid balance, and even the contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers. That being said, it needs to be consumed in moderation. Too much salt in your diet can cause your body to retain more water than it needs, causing bloating.
Carbonated drinks
The gas in carbonated drinks such as soda, seltzer, beer or sparkling wines actually stays in your body until it passes, meaning that it sits in your intestines (unless burped out), causing uncomfortable bloating.
IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is one of the most commonly diagnosed digestive disorders, and bloating, along with abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, is one of its main symptoms. While changes in diet may help, we designed our signature PRE + PREBIOTIC to reduce the symptoms associated with IBS and other digestive issues.
Straws, gum, and too much air
Yes, straws aren’t just bad for the environment. As it turns out, using straws may actually contribute to your bloating. Swallowing too much air, whether through chewing gum, eating or drinking too quickly or using straws, allows additional air to make its way into your intestines, similar to the way that the gas from carbonated beverages would. The result? You guessed it: bloating.
If you’re experiencing regular bloating, looking into these options is definitely the right place to start, but if you are still experiencing bloating after making some of these changes, we recommend following up with your doctor. For immediate bloating relief, you can try out our DEBLOAT+, which works immediately to address bloating and reduce discomfort.